Bird’s the Word

Bird’s the Word: The scoop on where to order your turkey day pièce de résistance
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Hickory Nut Gap Farm - Fairview

Pasture-raised Broad Breasted White turkeys
Cost: $6/lb.; $20 deposit required
Size: 15-24 lbs.
To order: hickorynutgap.com
Reservation deadline: First come, first served
Pick up: Check the website for updates

Against the Grain Farm - Zionville

Pasture-raised, non-GMO turkeys
Cost: $6/lb.
Size: 12-20 lbs.
To order: atgfarm.com
Reservation deadline: First come, first served
Pick up: From the farm at 619 Camp Joy Rd. on Tuesday, November 24, from 1-4 p.m.; or at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market on Saturday, November 21, from 9 a.m.-noon

Bee-utiful Farm and Garden - Hendersonville

Farm-raised heritage breed turkeys
Cost: $6/lb.
Size: 8-12 lbs.
To order: bee-utifulfarmandgarden.square.site
Reservation deadline: First come, first served
Pick up: From the farm at 110 Newman Dr.

Colfax Creek Farm - Bostic

Farm-raised Broad Breasted White turkeys
Cost: $90 average; $25 deposit required
Size: 12-21 lbs.
To order: colfaxcreekfarm.com
Reservation deadline: First come, first served
Pick up: From the farm at 274 Harvey Logan Rd. or the Hendersonville Farmers Market