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Last Page - Adam Adcock

Last Page - Adam Adcock: “The complementary relationship between organic chaos and systematic geometry especially intrigues me.”
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Slate Outcropping with Leaf Lines, 20" x 14" x 9"

Award-winning sculptor and mixed media artist Adam Adcock derives inspiration from patterns found in nature. His sculpture Slate Outcropping with Leaf Lines emphasizes the unity between its two primary components: natural slate and cast iron. “I chose to use slate, because I’m drawn to the foliated (stacked) layers that often create beautiful organic profiles. The cast iron supports the slate and represents mathematical order, providing a balance within the composition,” he says. “I have subtly curved the edges and faces of the metal to give an inflated appearance. This animates the cast form, as if it is taking in a breath.” View more of Adcock’s work at