Last Page - Peter Alberice, Asheville

Last Page - Peter Alberice, Asheville: “So many places that are old have been rebuilt many times. There’s an interesting juxtaposition between old and new.”
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Campana, mixed media on canvas, 36" x 24"

Peter Alberice talks about his abstract mixed-media paintings in architectural terms, using words like horizontal, vertical, walls and light, axis, layers, and framework. That’s because he is indeed an architect—a well respected one in Asheville since 1983. He started painting 20 years ago after he canceled cable TV and discovered he had much more free time. Alberice finds his two careers complementary, though his paintings are not based on any actual building. They are instead abstractions of ideas of buildings that he sketches, digitally manipulates, then projects onto canvas before adding paint and other mediums. The layered outcome is intentional, representing the evolution of the built environment over time, simultaneously illustrating decayed, inhabited, and anticipated spaces. See Alberice’s work at Blue Spiral 1 gallery in Asheville or online at peteralberice.com.