The MerleFest giveaway winner has been chosen by random drawing and notified. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Hurricane Helene Relief #WNC Strong

Marshall Handmade Market

11/23/2019 to 11/24/2019

Marshall Handmade Market

Marshall High Studios

Blannahassatt Island, Marshall, NC

November 23-24  10am - 4pm


The Marshall Handmade Market is held the weekend before Thanksgiving in the Marshall High Studios, a 1920s two story brick high school nestled on an island in the French Broad River. Some of the most talented makers in the region fill the spacious, sunny auditorium, and the resident artists of Marshall High spruce up the classrooms-turned-studios and open their doors to share their process and art with visitors.

Enjoy coffee and pastries from local artisan bakers and a delicious lunch from the Smashbox Kitchen food truck, as well as music and plenty of seating on the generous back deck. The idyllic island setting, charming historic high school and fantastic artists all combine to make the Marshall Handmade Market a favorite among holiday shows for locals and visitors.

Marshall High Studios Blannahassatt Island, 115 Blannahassett Island Rd, Marshall,
Madison County