Pie Party

Pie Party: A baking duo showcases the playful side of confections
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“In a pie, you want the flavor of the fruit to come across,” explains baking entrepreneur Ben Herring. He and business partner Eliza Sydney, both graduates of Warren Wilson College, recently created Pies in Disguise, in part, to support local fruit farmers. All the pies are whimsical; some have mustaches and, eventually, each flavor will be named for a disguised character, like Strawberry Robber. The fruity desserts vary by season and include bumbleberry-cherry-blackberry, as well as peach with lemon verbena.

Don’t despair if your favorite fruit isn’t season, there are also honey-lavender, and pumpkin-chocolate truffle, and many more to get you through the holidays. To get yours, call two days in advance, pick your flavor and a delivery locale, then enjoy. Or try the duo’s recipe for a classic apple dessert.