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Last Page - Lisa Pedolsky

Last Page - Lisa Pedolsky: “I’m committed to accommodating every student and challenging each one appropriately.”
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Long Leg Box, ceramic, 4.75" X 5.25" X 5.25"

Lisa Pedolsky, a ceramicist, is represented by The Art Cellar Gallery in Banner Elk, locally, and has exhibited her work in galleries nationwide. She has taught at Penland School of Craft and is hosting a workshop there on October 20-22, playfully entitled “Contain Your Enthusiasm.” It’s a class for beginners that’s also suitable for experienced students who want to learn new methods or hone their skills. “I want to convey that we’ll be having fun while learning a lot and working hard. What excites me about teaching at Penland is the opportunity to immerse myself in a creative community, where everyone is there to make art in an environment that supports just that,” Pedolsky notes. The artist’s ceramic work melds innovative design and fine craftsmanship. She cites interests in traditional craft and textiles from Africa and Japan, along with mid-century design as significant influencers. View more of her pieces at