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Last Page - Christine Kosiba

Last Page - Christine Kosiba: “Ravens really resonate with people. They’re complicated animals, just like us.”
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How the Raven Stole the Sun, Stoneware clay, 11" x 9" By Christine Kosiba, Brevard

After spending time on a Navajo reservation in Arizona, Christine Kosiba saw how vital ravens are to Native American lore. Since moving to Brevard in 1997, Kosiba has carried that intimate connection with her environment. She primarily sculpts creatures native to WNC, such as hares, foxes, and bears. “Different animals resonate with me at different times of my life,” she says. “They conceptually meet me where I am.” However, she always finds herself drawn back to the raven. Kosiba works intuitively and quickly, leaving fingerprints to capture the graceful gestures and energy of the animals. A full-time artist now for 11 years, Kosiba exhibits her pieces nationally. Her work can be found locally at Red Wolf Gallery in Brevard and will also be on display at the Craft Fair of the Southern Highlands, October 19-21 in Asheville.