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Giving Back

Giving Back: Local nonprofit organizations to support this year
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Laying out the Memorial Flag Garden at Veterans Healing Farm; (Inset) Brother Wolf Animal Rescue.

In this season of charitable spirit and celebration, the number of opportunities to contribute to the WNC community are numerous. It’s a reflection of our region’s focus on grassroots growth, and support of causes geared towards the progress and empowerment of its inhabitants, culture, and land. Here we’ve highlighted the mission and impact of three regional nonprofit organizations working to make our home, and the lives of our neighbors, better.

Brother Wolf Animal Rescue

With more pets dying in North Carolina shelters than almost anywhere else in the country, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue plays a critical role in saving the lives of vulnerable animals. Taking a two-pronged approach to protecting pets, BWAR offers low-cost spay-neuter surgery with their mobile clinic, effectively preventing a future overflow of animals into shelters. The rescue also employs a unique strategy to protect the critters of WNC—Brother Wolf partners with overcrowded, rural shelters by taking in surplus boardees so that the animals can continue their journey to a loving, adoptive home. With an extensive network of hundreds of active volunteers and foster homes, Brother Wolf positively impacts the lives of thousands of animals each year. 

Get Involved: Donations to support Brother Wolf’s lifesaving work are being matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donor, up to $50,000. As a nonprofit organization that receives no government funding, Brother Wolf relies on community support to fuel their daily work. Donate, foster, volunteer, or adopt with BWRA to help animals in our community.

Veterans Healing Farm

The Veterans Healing Farm was established in 2013 to enhance the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our nation’s veterans through agri-therapy and community. VHF utilizes three primary programs—organic farming, beekeeping, and continuing education workshops—to assist the members of the community. The farm’s programs focus on mental health, with programming founded on the beliefs that friendship, connectedness, community, and serving others are essential to the overall mental and emotional health of our veterans.

Get Involved: This summer VHF announced plans for a capital fundraising project to raise $1.1 million to buy the property they have been leasing for operations to continue expanding mental health offerings, so a financial donation is welcomed by the organization. Looking for something more hands-on? There are many different avenues for in-person support. The nonprofit is always looking for volunteers to help with farming and gardening, bee keeping, and more. No experience necessary.

Appalachian Voices

Appalachian Voices envisions an Appalachia with healthy ecosystems and resilient local economies that allow communities to thrive. Founded in 1997, the organization brings people together to protect the land, air, and water of Central and Southern Appalachia and advance a just transition to a generative and equitable clean energy economy. They work to end harmful fossil fuel practices, such as mountaintop removal coal mining and construction of unnecessary fracked-gas pipelines, with the ultimate goal of establishing economic solutions that create community wealth and sustain Appalachia’s mountains, forests, and waters.

From Appalachia to the Eastern piedmont, Appalachian Voices strives to build enduring partnerships with local leaders and organizations, and forge strategic relationships with state and federal officials at the highest levels of power. 

Get Involved: Alongside local residents, Appalachian Voices is determined to build equitable economies that will foster prosperity for the whole community. The nonprofit has quite a few options for volunteers; whether it’s through letter-writing campaigns, group activism, internships, or membership and financial support, there’s something for everyone.