Supply Central Pick up the necessities you left behind (that could be a sled or gloves, in this case), or grab lunch at Fred’s General Mercantile in Beech Mountain.
Urban escape Hikers can set out on Glen Burney Trail from downtown Blowing Rock to commune with nature for a couple of hours.
Ice, Ice, Baby Skaters can take to the rink day or night at Appalachian Ski Mountain.
Animal instincts Cougars, otters, white-tailed deer, and black bears roam the habitats at Grandfather Mountain.
Go for the gold If you’re feeling confident after trekking the snowshoe trails at Beech Mountain, sign up for the N.C. Championship Snowshoe Race on January 12, which is open to competitors of any skill level.
Trusty steeds Cowboy poet Keith Ward, owner of Dutch Creek Trails, and the horses don’t mind taking you over the hills and through the woods, snow or shine.
High Country
high-wire act Ziplining is now part of Hawksnest Resort’s winter fun repertoire.